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New Scarapr Logo
Written by Scarpar Admin   
Oct 05, 2007 at 06:49 AM
So, here is the new Scarpar logo. We sent our designers away and this is what they developed ... we love it, and hope you do to! You will see us starting to re-brand over the coming weeks / months.

Last Updated ( Oct 05, 2007 at 06:57 AM )
Tell Me When I Can Get One!
Written by Scarpar Admin   
Sep 27, 2007 at 12:00 AM
If you would like be one of the first people in the world to own a Scarpar, please join our mailing list and we will keep you up to date ... please subscribe HERE  and we will let you know when we can take pre-orders.
Last Updated ( Sep 26, 2007 at 06:20 PM )
UPDATE September 2007
Written by Andrew Fern   
Sep 26, 2007 at 09:41 AM
Firstly, my personal apologies for the time between updates. The main items are:

1. We are very much still alive.

2. We will not be getting the product to market in 2007 ... it's going to be 2008 unfortunately. I can't give you a date. Once it's possible to pre-order, we will let you know. The first people to know will be those on the email list, so if you aren't on there, get on there.

3. We are investigating concurrent development of an electric version. Thanks to everyone who gave me some feedback on this. Surprisingly, most people would prefer an electric vehicle if available and still able to perform. At this point, we will still be producing both a petrol/gas version and an electric version.

There is a lot going on which we hope to share with you in the coming months. We are under confidentiality on a few things, but will share them when we are legally able.

We appreciate all the effort in the surveys. I have literally read every comment personally, so nobody has wasted their time writing anything down or sending us comments or questions. There is no doubt that some of the feedback we've received will find it's way onto the product roadmap, so very early on.

Please stay tuned. I will try to do at least a monthly update.

Thanks for your interest and support. We remain confident that once we get our product to market that the issue is going to be keeping up supply, not sales.




Andrew Fern


Last Updated ( Sep 26, 2007 at 09:44 AM )

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